Adoro Drum Heads
Worship Series in a Drum Head…
Good quality drums can only sound as good as their heads. That is why Adoro also produces its own heads for its instruments, which we are now finally offering as an independent product. Thanks to proven materials and excellent workmanship, all Adoro heads are of the best quality and very stable.
A quick overview:
A quick overview: The Heritage heads are single-ply synthetic natural heads, which have far less attack due to their patented fiber structure, and therefore a beautiful, warm, tonal sound. Perfect for all bright-sounding rooms where drums naturally sound too shrill. The Heritage heads own the properties of our Worship drums cast into skin, so to speak; they can be tuned about a third lower than comparable heads of the same thickness, which gives them a much wider tuning range and makes tuning much easier. They were inspired by real calfskins, which they sound very similar to, without losing the advantages of an artificial skin: tuning stability and durability.
The Heritage skins are roughened on the upper side and can therefore also be played with brushes.
If you want a more open sound, the single-ply SP Classic are the right choice. They are much richer in overtones, react sensitively and can also be played perfectly with brushes in the coated version.
Finally, for the rock and heavy faction, we have the double-ply DP Classic, which also cuts a really good figure in combination with the single-ply heads (toms with SP Classic, floor tom DP Classic, for more punch!). Thanks to the two plies, the drumhead provides a lot of pressure and absorbs a lot of overtones, which often makes masking redundant, and is therefore also a popular drumhead with sound engineers for live gigs. And if the drummer's adrenaline gets the better of him, don't worry, he won't get these drumheads down so quickly!
Adoro Heritage®
A patented fiber blend significantly reduces the attack of the synthetic natural skin; for a full, warm sound; standard skin for the Worship Series. Extremely tuning stable and durable!
Adoro SP Classic®
Single layer Mylar fur (0.250mm). The SP Classic® have a very open, transparent sound (with a coating a little less overtones). Suitable as batter as well as resonance head.
The SP Classic (Coated) are the standard head on most Adoro snare drums, with the exception of the Worship series.
Adoro DP Classic®
Double-layer Mylar fur. The DP Classic® is an extremely stable, long-lasting head with a lot of punch, well-defined basic tone, few overtones.
The DP Classic (Clear) are the standard head on the toms of the City Lights series.
Adoro Heritage® BD
BD front head, optionally with Adoro logo. Single-layer fiber head, with damping ring (muffler)
Adoro SP Classic® Black BD
BD front skin, optionally with Adoro logo. Single-layer Mylar head, with damping ring (muffler)
Adoro SP Classic®Coated BD
Transparent Single-ply Mylar head, with damping ring (muffler)
Adoro SP Classic® Clear BD
Single-ply Mylar head, transparent, with damping ring (muffler)
Adoro Resonance®
Single-layer transparent Mylar resonance head (0.075mm). Standard resonance head on all Adoro snare drums. Also suitable as a Tom Reso for more sensible response with soft play and larger tuning range.