Obviously the shell is the part of the drum that has the main attention. While for beginner drum sets it is wiser to settle for working hardware and good drum heads, a decent shell bekomes essential when it comes to "grown ups" drum sets. Why is that? Well, of course most of the sound is produced by the drum head itself, and the sound is most influenced by the drummer, his stick, and the sizes and perfection of the drum shell. This brings us as close as up to 90% towards a good drum sound. But if you don't want to settle for less, the shell material itself becomes important. And we are kind of that way. The difference is very much audible, more than you might think in first place. It is not so much that it just sounds better, it f e e l s better too. The drums start to speak to you, and hopefully you start to listen. I happen to play less on a great sounding drum set, just because every single sound is so unique, vivid; I want to give it room to breathe.
Viele Mythen ranken sich über den Einfluss der Holzsorte auf den Sound. Manche sagen, bestimmte Holzarten eignen sich besonders für bestimmte Musikarten; das stimmt insoweit, wie billige Becken am Besten zu lauter Musik passen (weil man sie da am wenigsten heraushört…). Wir glauben, dass es nicht so sehr an dem Material des Kessels liegt, besonders, da wir ja schon oben erwähnten, dass bis 90% des Klangs von ganz anderen Faktoren beeinflusst werden (haben wir schon das Stimmen erwähnt?). Wenn man ein gutes Instrumentenholz hat, funktioniert es in allen Musikarten. Du glaubst es nicht? Spiele unsere Drums an…
Hot pressed, not stirred.
Adoro is one of very few drum companies in europe to produce their own drum shells -without exploding in costs. We use hot presses to form the shells, as it is actual industrial standard. The shell dries faster, and has less water. This results in a nice, resonating shell, with up to four times thicker plys than many other shells.
Green Drums
For our custom sets, the material of our choice is beech, which has a long tradition in german drum building. It is harder and heavier than maple, thus giving a nice, deep tone to the shell. It has been the first choice for high end drums since decades and rises to be popular again due to many uprising custom drum companies in germany lately that are willing to not compromise for a good sound.
Our wood is 100% controlled german beech wood, as well as for the many other wood types we use. We avoid using foreign woods if possible: even though the price might be cheaper, the cerosin it takes to transport it to us lets us value our own trees again. We try our best to make all our drums green...
Built to last
Unsere Schlagzeuge, wie alle guten Instrumente, werden einige Jahrzehnte überdauern. Wir sind sehr stolz auf die Tatsache, dass in fünfundzwanzig Jahren sicher jemand unsere Instrumente mit Freude spielen wird (hoffentlich mit neueren Fellen). Etwas zu bauen, das so lange erhalten und benutzt wird, viel länger als irgendwelche Trends; ein Stück Kunst zu schaffen, an dem sich jemand über viele Jahrzehnte hinweg erfreut, das ist der Gedanke, der uns antreibt, jeden Tag, mit jedem Kessel, den wir bauen, unser Bestes zu geben. Nicht zuletzt sollen unsere Instrumente die Kreativität unseres Schöpfers widerspiegeln, die er in uns gelegt hat, und IHN ehren: Soli Deo Gloria.
Itʻs in the Detail.
I admit, we love small bass drums, mainly for sound reasons. So our bass drums sized 20“ and smaller come with our very own bass drum riser. This is the most simple riser on the market, and it enables you to adjust the foot machine in height and distance, a small cut-off at the hoop allows a perfect positioning. - By now we don‘t know any other product that can do that trick.
For our drums we also developed our own drum heads, especially the heritage heads with significant less attack and more body in sound than regular heads. Those can also be purchased separately, of course.
Many choices: Snare drum shells are also available in 4, 5, 6, 9 and 12mm beech wood. Reinforcement rings are optional; they support the strength of thin shells, and give projection to the sound.
We use bearing edges with 45° from in- side, the batter side a bit rounder than the bottom, and thicker shells rounder than thin shells. Thus the energy put into the drum head can be absorbed by the shell at an optimum. While this works perfect for 99% of the jobs, we of course also offer any other custom bearing edge.